As wedding guests at Houchins we would like nothing more than for your whole experience with us to be relaxed and enjoyable.
We’ve put together the following information that might be of use. Of course, if there’s anything else you need, please do contact us.
View list of local taxi firms that we work with
There is ample parking at Houchins in the farmyard. Cars left overnight are left at owner’s risk
All of our wedding guests are eligible for a 10% discount at the Marks Tey Hotel.
There is 4G reception at the venue, and complimentary Wi-Fi for overnight guests in the farmhouse
Please ensure you book your taxi as early as possible as they do get busy. Our address is Houchins Wedding Venue, Houchins Lane, Coggeshall, CO6 1RT.
Houchins is located in Essex, just 1 mile east of Coggeshall, with direct access from the A120. It is approximately 15 minutes from Colchester and Braintree.
Houchins Farm, Coggeshall,
Colchester, Essex, CO6 1RT
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© Houchins 2024. Houchins Farm, Coggeshall, Colchester, CO6 1RT. Co No: OC365420